Friday, March 23, 2007

The Votes Are IN!

Votes were gleaned from emails and comments on the blog.

5 votes for No TV for a week
3 votes for a daily 20 minute walk
2 votes each for going vegan and doing yoga
1 vote each for writing and playing the guitar every day
Not surprising that giving up blogging got no votes at all - aw, you guys!

Most people voted for a combination of 3 things, so that's what I am going to do.

SO, for the next week:

1. I will not watch television. The only thing I will watch is a DVD sent through by LoveFilm from my list. But this will have to be on my own because Kate is not home until 1 April.

2. I will walk 20 minutes at least each day. If it's rainy or snowy, I will put on an exercise DVD or do yoga

3. I had a choice of going vegan or doing yoga. I am putting yoga down as a thing to do if it's rainy or snowy, so I am going to go vegan. Which should make making dinner for my friend Julie on Saturday night interesting. The vegan thing will have to begin at suppertime tonight, though, because I have a cheese sandwich for lunch at work.

I am off to Morrison's after work then to get some soya milk, soya yoghurt and a lot of fruit and fresh veg for the coming vegan week. I'll take pic of my vegan groceries (minus the very non-vegan catfood I'll be buying for the children) and post it to show you that I am indeed committed to the vegan experiment.

This one week challenge is made easier with Kate not being home. Kate is a carnivore and enjoys watching a bit of telly, so there's the upside to not seeing her for a while.

And thanks for enjoying my blog enough to not vote for me to stop blogging for a week!

1 comment:

  1. Good choices, T. Good luck. I look forward to reading how you get on.
