Thursday, March 29, 2007

Amazing How Fast It's Gone...

Is it just me or has the start of the year vanished rather quickly? Only 3 days of March left. What's more, is that the past 8 weeks have disappeared so rapidly. This year has barely begun and I am writing an article for a magazine, taught a creative writing course, started a novel and have begun re-writes on several short stories to send out. I've been to South Africa and back, challenged myself to living without TV, animal products and have begun to exercise more regularly. I've also had to replace a washing machine and get the heating fixed because like sily noodles, Kate and I had let the oil run out. I am amazed that it's been so easy and it's moved so fast. And it feels like I have lived a year in the space of just about three months!

Well, the Nichiren Buddhists are calling 2007 the year for Advancement and Victory, aren't they? Bring it on - I am ready!

I have been successful in securing an advanced workshop, which is due to begin on 25 April 2007. After that, the creative writing course will be a 12 week course to incorporate the basic and advanced. Teaching this has been a remarkable journey for me. I've learned so much from my students and it has inspired me to write more. Their bravery and enthusiasm has been a catalyst for me. I am so grateful I have had this opportunity.

Health and Wellbeing

I don't weigh myself often these days. I reckon that once a month or once every six weeks should do it. I hate getting on the scale. This morning, out of curiosity, I climbed onto the scale. I weigh 98kgs. That means, ladies and gentlemen, that I have lost 2 kgs. I am chuffed, but not fussed. Why? Because it's more important to me to have health than it is to be thin. If being thin is a side effect of me being healthy, great. I am done with diets and trying to turn myself into something I am not. I suppose that losing weight is a guaranteed side effect of making healthier food choices and getting more exercise and I shouldn't simply dismiss it. Weight loss isn't my goal - getting fit and healthy and showing my body respect, is.

This Week's Challenge Update:

1. No TV - I've done fairly well, though I did watch CSI New York and CSI Vegas. Still, it is a major improvement on the time I used to spend in front of the telly.

2. Vegan - I have definitely eaten a great deal more fruit and veg and I feel better for not having had dairy products. Will I do this forever? Hell no. I fancy a nice cheese sandwich right now.

3. Walking/Yoga each day - Did no walking or yoga yesterday. Mostly been using 20 minutes of my lunch hour each day to go out for a walk, but not yesterday. This is something to keep up with, especially that now the days are getting longer.


  1. I am totally with you on weighing yourself. I haven't owned a scale for 15 years.
    How I feel and what I can do has more bearing.
    Anything to encourage self-love and respect is valuable.
    I would not want to be vegan. Red mentioned in the other comments, that some vegans are impossible when they are your guests. I am just so grateful if anyone offers to cook for me....I would never dream of asking the ingredients and then refusing to eat......sheesh.
    And I love Honey. What a morvelous gift from the bees.

  2. Advancement and Victory, huh? I was hoping for Rest & Relaxation.

    My novel is about an angel who is supposed to be helping out with the apocalypse but feels that he has better things to do. Of course, I haven't touched the damn thing in 2 months....

  3. It is scary how fast the year's gone so far -- we're already a quarter of the way through it... I was hoping to take refreshment driving lessons this year, but I haven't been able to even pick up the phone and get that organized.

    You are doing well, though, girl!

  4. I was just saying to a coworker that I couldn't believe how quickly the month of March had gone and then realized...wait! MARCH is over already? What happened to February, and January? Wasn't my birthday just a little while ago. They say time flies when you're having fun so I must be ecstatic!

    You're doing great with your challenges and seem very upbeat. Woo hoo! Congratulations!

  5. Healing Room: I prefer not to eat meat, and since my last visit to SA I can say vegetarianism flew pretty much out the window. And I agree that self respect is valuable.

    Diesel: I think the year of Rest and Relaxation is 2034.

    Red: Thanks for the encouragement! And good luck with the driving lessons - go on! Give them a call.

    Karen: Thaks for the support. And yeah - where did Jan and Feb go???
