Friday, March 30, 2007

Random Friday Stuff
Stepping on my nerves...
One of my colleagues has invested in a pedometer. It's a little machine that you clip to your belt that counts how many steps you take a day. Because, somehow, this is supposed to help you to lose weight. I have no problem with people clipping stuff to their belts and as far as I am concerned, if it makes you feel better to count the steps you take in a day - go for it. Thing is, not only is the machine counting her steps, she is too. Out loud. She takes six big strides across the office, "1...2...3...4...5....6..." and then checks the podometer to see if it had recorded the six steps she has just counted. I am finding this annoying because this is what I have had to endure since this morning. She's a lovely lady and I don't want to hurt her feelings by telling her to count in her head. So much for calm Buddhist acceptance, eh?

Zak the Cat

I would like to take this random opportunity to point out that Zak (in a box, left) looks uncannily like a Grey (right, looking spooky). Zak, I think, is an alien.
I don't know why, but to me, he just looks like has come to us from outer space. Such a sweetie, though. He has taken over Noodle's job of waking me up in the morning by nuzzling my neck with his cold nose, or patting my face with his cold paws. But I must say, it is disconcerting feeling this cold thing touch you and then to wake up to see, what to blurry, un-spectacled eyes, looks like a Grey.
Other Random Stuff and One Week Challenge
Busy weekend. Off to view a conference centre in Hinckley tomorrow and Sunday is my tidying the house day and my writing day. And there's a lot of both to do. Tonight I plan on chilling out and eating a cheese sandwich.
What I have learned from my One Week Challenge:
1. My body seems to prefer soya products to dairy. I did miss my protein, though. I also learned that my usual diet doesn't contain that much fruit and veg... time to step that up.
2. My body loves it's little daily exertions. This one is definitely carrying over to next week.
3. No new lessons from no TV.


  1. Holy crap! My current post is on walking at work ... with a photo of me and my pedometer. :)

    In your profile you say you have five cats. I love you already. Anyone who loves cats is a good person. And a hamster ... do the cats drive the hamster nuts??

  2. Pedometers are annoying! I used one for a few days and the clicking sounded like it was in my head! I know there are quieter versions but the novelty wears off... hopefully she'll be bored soon!

    If we pull Shika's ears back she TOTALLY looks like an alien! I'll try take a pic. ;)

  3. I've been debating getting a pedometer as well. I already know, though, that I don't walk enough.

    While I haven't gone vegan (or even veggie), I have made two huge salads over the past week and have been eating at least one giant bowl of it each day. Already, I've noticed a difference, even without changing anything else. Not going into too much detail - let's just say I'm much more "regular" than before. APparently I wasn't getting as many fruits and veggies as I had though either.

    Keep up the great work.

  4. Dan: So it is! I checked it out. They terrify the hamster, I think. I reckon that Bo is so used to the cats by now that it no longer has an impact n him.

    Dori: I can definitely see Shika as an alien. Perhaps she, Zak and the Grey are related.

    Karen: I noticed the similar kind of thing when it came to fruit and veg. And thanks for the support!

  5. She is probably counting the steps because pedometers are notoriously unreliable! I got one for Christmas last year, and I would go for a long walk and look at my shining little thing and it would show, like 40 steps!

    I adore Zak. I have a real soft spot for slinky cats with wedge-shaped faces. He looks like he knows he's done something wrong in that pic, though!
