Thursday, May 27, 2010

Before 40...

So here I am, officially 37 years old as of yesterday. Officially I have 3 years to go before 40. I have started on a list of stuff I want to do before I reach 40. Here's the list with a bit of extra info

1. I want to grow my hair down to my butt. 

I haven't had hair that long since I was 14. At the moment, my scalp is a mess and when my hair gets long, there's a lot of flaking and I get sores on my head. I figure with proper nutrition and care, I can get my hair healthy enough to make it right down to my butt.

2. Get really fit and healthy.

I weigh in at 107 kgs. My BMI is 42 and if I don't sort my health out now, I'll end up with adult onset diabetes. Already my body is having some issues with insulin. If I want to live a long and productive life,      then I cannot play around. I have at least 30 kilos to lose. Thanks to chiropractic care I have a nervous system that's functioning better than it has in years, but what good is a fabulous nervous system if I have such kak nutrition? Time to make that change.

3. Learn to Tango.

Because  I have always wanted to. Because I love tango music. Because I love watching people tango and it looks beautiful and graceful.

4. Go on a meditation or yoga retreat.

Because you have to do some nourishment for the spirit too.

5. Make things right between me and my sister.

I love my sister. I miss having the close relationship we once had. I miss that we used to talk and enjoy each other's company. And because sometimes we let stupid shit get in the way of enjoying a great relationship with a person you're related to, especially because this life is the chance we get to sort things out so that we don't have to do it in the next one.

I am sure that I'll add stuff to the list. I can think of a few things right now. If I add to the list, I will update the blog.

Yesterday was my birthday. Not just a birthday. A REBIRTHday.