Monday, October 09, 2006

Wayward Creativity and Life in General

I suppose it's time for an update on life, the universe and the state of my creativity.

I have, for some time, been really stuck creatively until I had a pretty weird dream about Jesus and Wonder Woman, which sparked off a whole stream of ideas that sucked me in. In between blogging for Jesus I am also customising Kate's drum kit. So many creative ideas over the last few months have simply flooded my brain and I just haven't had the time/motivation/freedom from creative block/all of the above to sit down and work on all of them.

Dangerdykes have gone into hibernation for a little bit due to me plunging into the other projects. I have been challenged to write two humorous pieces by two bloggers - months ago - and I haven't started yet. (Sorry Chris. Sorry Pie). Other great cartoon ideas are waiting to be born. Paintings are waiting to be begun. Stories written. A novel. A creative writing workshop.

I realised this morning what it was that I really wished that I could get paid to be creative like this. In a sense it seems a waste that I am being all creative and doing something I love in my spare time and spending the bulk of my energy on a satisfactory, though mediocre, job.

I always believed that my ideal lifestyle would be to make money from my art, my writing and even with my singing (if I am brave enough to get back into it), while conducting creativity and creative writing workshops. In this fantasy I have pockets of time to create, while a routine of teaching would ensure that I do not starve. In my imagination, I have a studio and an office attached to a modest house. With lots of free range cats and perhaps one or two West Highland Terriers.

How do I make that happen? Other people live their creativity. Why not me? Suggestions?

And Now, The Weekend That Was and The Week Ahead:
Kate's put her back out, so Saturday evening was spent at the emergency GP's office so that she could get an injection for the pain.

Sunday was awesome! Buddhist meeting in Cambridge, which really got me thinking about how we make change within our own lives and how small changes within us can even influence changes within society.

What's on the cards for this week? Study, study and more study. There will not be too many postings, unless I find the time to procrastinate. (There's always time for procrastination, baby!) I write my OU timed essay/exam thingy on Saturday 14 October.

I feel like only after Saturday will I be able to start breathing again. I've put a lot of stuff on hold until after the exam, so it will be interesting to get back into the swing of things once that's over.


  1. One word for Kate - chiropractor.

    P.S. - love the Jesus blog! Will comment there soon - also crazily busy!!!

  2. Hello Dori!!! Thought you'd vanished. Nice to see you again.

    Kate: Poor baby. At least you have your own personal masseuse at home!
