Sunday, January 07, 2007

I Have Taken a Decision About My Blogs

If you have been reading my blog, then you will be aware that I am considering what should happen to all my blogs. I have so many besides this one.

Here's a list:

Dangerdykes - The fictional lesbian sort-of superheroes

The Esotericon - Moon Madness and the Esoteric

Loving What I See - My ongoing endeavours towards a healthier me

Tastes Like Llama - My fiction, poetry and photographs

Confessions of a Closet Dominatrix - My dabble into erotica which didn't work out too well


What Would Jesus Do? - I blog for Jesus

That's six blogs. Yesterday I worked out that I can spend up to 2 hours blogging a day. This involves writing my blog, finding and resizing pictures for it, reading other blogs and leaving comments. It has escaped me that this is how much time I spend blogging because I mostly blog when I should be doing an honest day's work.

I have recently learned a great karmic lesson: if I don't place my attention on what I am doing, while I am doing it, I get into trouble. Three quarters of the shit that happens in my life can be avoided if I am more attentive. The other quarter involves acts of the universe, the unexpected and "Where the fuck did that come from?"

I have decided not to blog at work anymore. For a variety of reasons. But the focus and attention thing is one of them. This will mean I have less blog time. On the days when Kate is home, I spend my time enjoying her company so no blogging there. This means that blogging is narrowed to 4 times a week. But I plan to cut it down to once a week now.

It takes a lot of creative energy to maintain a blog, I am sure you will agree. I need to harness that creative energy now in order to begin to finally (FINALLY!! You hear that Universe? I am not fighting anymore!) stop ignoring my talents and actually start creating stories and art.

That doesn't mean I am disappearing entirely. I am removing the blogs that no one really reads (Esotericon and Confessions of a Closet Dominatrix) and will be updating at least once a week. I will, when I can, catch up with all of you and leave comments as always. Just not as often.

I may later decide to blog more than once week. Or open more blogs. Just not right now. I have loads of paintings to create and short stories to write and a finger to pull out of my arse (which is really lodged far up), which has been stuck up my butthole for too long.

I started out with Tastes Like Llama as a purely creative exercise and as a result, I resurrected the Dangerdykes, created a blog for Jesus and made some really good friends.

This is by no means a goodbye. I just need to bring the creative energy I spend on this blog to my creative projects.

Ci vediamo.


  1. Hi Tanya,
    I can certainly relate to what you are saying.
    My goodness, SIX freakin' blogs!
    I find it hard to keep up with one.
    'Cause there is blog-visiting time as well, that I think is so important to make connections.
    I have peeked in at most of your blogs but generally just come here to chat with you.
    Blogs are like food to me. In and of itself they are not detrimental.....its a question of wether I am using them to cover up something uncomfortable. (like that nagging inner voice that I have too, that says "paint a painting...")
    Thanks for sharing, this resonates with me.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you're not giving up blogging altogether but just cutting back. I can totally understand why. I too blog/check blogs at work and have tried unsuccessfully to reduce my time spent on it. It's tough. Yet another addiction for me to break!
