Friday, July 21, 2006

A Little Newsy Type Update Thingamy... Nothing Interesting.

Last night we were invited to an impromptu BBQ (braai, yes I know, braai...) at our friend Raff's house. So good seeing him and being able to socialise and chill out. We ate outside under candlelight, sipping drinks and listening to some chilled out music, while talking the biggest load of rubbish in the world.

It was such a lovely evening that I woke up feeling really good about myself and the world and everything in it. I felt loved. I felt special. And all it took was just connecting with another human being that we care about.

Kate agreed that it was a rather special evening. No idea why. There was no special celebration, no amazing revelations made in the conversation. It was just... nice.

Sometimes there is no reason behind things that make you feel good, no heavens opening up and falling stars and fanfare. Sometimes things are good - just because they are.

I'll avoid being an over-analytical Gemini and resist putting some kind of philosophical spin on it all. It just was what it was.

I also got my second OU assignment back this morning and it appears that I am doing reasonably well, so I am quite chuffed with my progress. The whole What Am I Going To Do With My Life thing seems to be not such a huge panicky thing anymore because I am beginning to catch a glimpse of what it is I would like to end up doing.

The whole financial thing isn't such a scary boogeyman anymore because I am beginning to consider several solutions to the current situation - some of these involve using the skills and talents I have consigned to the top shelf, others involve finding other sources of income in a more traditional kind of way.

It's as though the ability to worry has been sliced off me. I like that. It feels mellow. It feels strong and I am going to make good use of that. My motivation, which evaporated in June, is starting to make itself felt again. Time to move forward.

It's not good, it's not bad, it just is. And that's what makes sense.


  1. In my experience that kind of thing happens when you manage to be completely in the present moment.

    Unfortunately I usually realize this in the midst of it and start trying to hold on to it, which makes it difficult to stay in this state. :)

    Found your blog yesterday while randomly clicking around. I really like it.

  2. hmmmm.......peace and acceptance...yummy.
