Friday, July 28, 2006

Developments in the Life of Me

Wow, I must be thinking this is important. The heading is bold, in colour and italics, not to mention larger than usual.

1. I think I have an idea of the direction I would like to see my life going in. My idea of what I want to do with my career is starting to take shape and I am really inspired now. For a few years now I have had a non-career. Not quite a McJob. Just a Non-Career.

2. I am considering a part time weekend job at the local BP shop. 10 hours a weekend and some extra cash should see me out of debt and saving for study and new car in no time.

3. I am chanting for students for the next series of writing workshops. I notice I have been put down to do the summer sessions as well, so that makes things a lot more interesting. If I get to do all 3 sessions, that's 60 hours of teaching under my belt. Hooray! (And obviously the extra cash will help towards the goals outlined in point number 2)

And now, some astrology:

Today and tomorrow, the moon is in Virgo.Virgo rules the digestive system so go easy on the fatty food. Those who suffer from digestive problems may find them flaring up a bit. Virgo days are great for gardening, although with the moon waxing it's best to do planting instead of weeding. Virgo's energy encourages us to be routine and to pay attention to details. Creatively it's a great time to work on the little extra bits that will add that much more quality to the work you are crafting.

Sunday the moon moves into Libra and a light, airy energy is usually felt on these days. Libra governs the urinary system and it's advisable to drink lots of water, particularly between 3pm and 7pm when these organs are functioning at their peak. Avoid heavy drinking on Libra days (and particularly during the waxing moon) as this will put an extraordinary amount of stress on the kidneys. Libra's energy focusses on relationships and self-examination.

The moon is waxing (getting full) so ease off on the naughty foods and cut back on the alcohol because this will affect you more. Those trying to lose weight may find that their efforts appear not to yield the rewards they were hoping for. Don't panic - you'll see the results when the moon is on the wane again. Waxing moon is a great time to begin planning creative pursuits or schedules.

Mercury moves out of retrograde tomorrow.


  1. I'm Canadian...whats a BP shop?

    And thanks for all the astrology, I appreciate the info.

  2. That sounds great about the job stuff working out.

    Have you ever thought of doing an astrology blog? Very interesting.
