Sunday, July 09, 2006

Enough of this Bullshit

This is the tattoo I got on my upper left arm. Yeah it hurt a bit (like being Kneaded by a cat that's got its claws out and later it stung like bad sunburn). The tattoo is an African symbol from the Adinkra tribe and is called "Sesa Woruban" which means "transformation". It's the morning star encircled by the wheel of life. This symbol has been really important to me since I first came acrosss it about four years ago. It must have lived in my aura all those years because it now looks like that symbol has always been on my arm.

I have not been very kind to myself recently. I have put myself down and down played my talents. I guess I have been in a bit of a funk for a few months.

This weekend I was reminded by Ralphie that I am a good friend and I was reminded by Chris that I am creative and artistic. I guess I needed to hear that.

This weekend I have spent "rebooting" myself. Just chilling, spending time with myself, in between some light housework. It has been a bit of a voyage of rediscovery. I realised that I am not as bad as I thought. In fact, I am pretty cool. I just forgot who I was. I forgot to tend to my own Buddhahood. I guess that happens even to seasoned Buddhists and that it is still good. I remembered the lesson and feel better than I have since before I went to South Africa.

This is the first picture I have done of Dangerdykes, a new comic I am working on. Rather, it's a re-working of an old comic, which I did a few years ago for an e-zine I ran with PurpleSimon.

I decided it was time to bring Kung Fu Kitty and Wondermole back to life and send them on some new adventures. It's time to celebrate the creative force that runs through me.


  1. Nice tattoo design. And cool-looking comic.

    It's good to do something creative again, for all of us - although, if you'll forgive me for saying so (and maybe I'm just kidding myself), I think even keeping a blog is creative.

  2. Yeah, I thnk keeping a blog is creative!

    It Feels creative. Though Tanyas Dangerdykes are way Cute!

    Speaking of creative and blogs, what attracted me to your blog, T. is your writing ability. I love it.
