Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Aw. Isn't he cute? Sleepy little Zak on the new couch with his pom pom toy. Bless. Such an angel.


Kate and I put the Christmas tree up on Saturday and congratulated ourselves that we managed to get it up with hardly any cat involvement whatsoever. In fact, the felines were more interested in the box the tree came in.

Our biggest concern had been that Zak would be tearing the tree down shortly after it had gone up, but to our amazement, he barely glanced at the tree, preferring to play with Lucifer in the tree's box.

This lasted exactly two days.

The little buggers had worked out a careful strategy this year, and having lulled Kate and I into a false sense of security (how they must have sniggered watching our smug little faces), attacked the tree at dawn yesterday. Baubles were scattered all over the lounge floor.

Kate took Zak to the vet yesterday for his "snip and chip". We thought that for at least a day Zak would be too out of it to try any naughtiness. Upon my return from work, a shattered looking Kate sat at the couch looking stunned. She held out the vet's aftercare sheet, "It says here that the cat may be drowsy for about 24 hours. Drowsy? Drowsy fuck!"

Zak, glassy eyed and crazy, was tearing around the house. This morning, going down into the lounge, we discovered to our horror that Zak has learned how to climb the tree.

Ho ho ....... ho.


  1. Cats are funny after surgery because they have no idea why they feel so drowsy, and they still want to do what they would normally do, but their limbs won't let them. Is it evil of me to find it amusing? Possibly...

    Anyway, we're looking forward to spending Christmas with Cat this year. I don't think he's ever shown much interest in the tree in the past, but he is growing old and weirder by the day, so who knows?

  2. Cats, huh? they never quite do what you expect them to. Like this morning: pissing with rain, galey winds. Our cat goes outside for like an hour and a half. Why?

  3. Red - You are not alone. I get the same jollies at watching those poor dopey kitties.

    * - Mischa goes out in the rain. Like you I would like to know why.

    Kate - Yes. And this is just the beginning.

  4. hehe. Several years ago after putting the tree up and going to bed I heard a noise. So I went to check it out. I looked all around the living room, niether kitty was anywhere to be found. Then I stood up and looked straight ahead admiring my tree and saw two little golden eyes peering out. (I'm 5'2") It was my black and white kitty, Mr. Whiskers. The funny thing is over the years he has learned to climb carefully with almost no droppage of decorations. I can only tell because the lowest branches will be a little bent.lol.

  5. After our cat had surgery, he was so drowsy we had to keep him in the tub for a few hours. He was hilarious.

    There's not much that can be done about the tree, except give them time. Mine have finally stopped attacking the ornaments but one has taken to sleeping underneath it. Perhaps he's protecting it from his "brother"...
