Friday, February 02, 2007

A Creativity Update

The creative writing course went very well. At least, Lesson One did. I had about 10 students in the group. There were some absentees, including the same arrogant troll of a man who got on my nerves last year with his know-it-all attitude. Can't tell you how happy I was that he was absent! Unfortunately, he will show up next week. Urgh. Hopefully, since this is a much larger group, he will feel less inclined to tout his sexist, silly and self important opinions.

I had about six students come up to me afterwards to tell me how inspired they were and how much they enjoyed the lesson. I felt really chuffed. Driving home, I realised that I hadn't even thought about being paid for this. It is truly something I love doing so much that I would happily do it for free! I remember a Chinese saying: A man who loves his job will never work a day in his life. And I have also read somewhere that you know you've found your true vocation when you find yourself doing something that you would quite happily do for free. I am good at motivating people. Especially with their creativity. That makes me feel like I actually DO fulfill a purpose in this world.

My Writers' and Artists' Yearbook arrived a couple of days ago and I have already been paging through it looking at various magazines that accept freelance stuff. I have had a look at several websites as well for freelance writing stuff. I just lack the confidence to send my CV through to them because for the past 6 years my day job has been in admin. My friend did point out that the day job pays the bills and if I have to, I should write something up myself to fit the spec. So... the only thing holding me back right now is my fear that people will think I am completely silly for thinking I can apply for freelance work.

Which is ridiculous, because as Lesson One has proved, I CAN DO IT. It's also ridiculous because I have so much experience in a variety of fields. I should just do what I did when I approached Focus with the idea of doing the course: be brave, bold and not let them see the whites of my eyes. Same approach, I think, should be used for contacting the Welland Valley Art Society. They need at least 6 paintings from the artist seeking membership. Three of these need to be framed to exhibition standard. I have, so far, two paintings framed to exhibition standard. I have to actually PAINT the other four paintings. They take applications in April and in August. Not much time then.

Kate's asked me to try a "family portrait" of our cats. I told her I've never painted cats before, but she encouraged me to give it a go. She was so impressed with the drumkit, despite my protestations, and believes that I can produce a painting of our five rascals. Well, my love, I'll give it a go. But in acrylic because it dries quicker and I can get it framed quicker!

My buddy Chris and I are engaged in a few creativity experiments to be carried out during the month of January. This week, we are testing the efficacy of sodalite crystals at enhancing creativity. Watch this blog for the results.


  1. Well done, T. (Sorry, I've taken to calling you T sometimes. Do let me know if you hate it. I know you hate "Tan", for example.)

    You definitely should try to get some freelance writing work. You write perfectly well, and believe me I'm in a position to judge bad writing, giving how much of it passes over my desk each month.

  2. Thanks, *! And T is my nickname anyway and I prefer being called that anyway!!

    I appreciate your vote of confidence. I will let you know how things progress!
