Monday, September 11, 2006

Five Years

Five years ago today the twin towers fell. I am sure this is a superfluous piece of information, which no doubt will be repeated from blog to blog on whatever service we all use. I am sure I don't need to say anything more about the topic than that. Now, when you say "September 11th" everyone knows exactly what you mean. And in just those two words is hidden a vast weight of meaning, far greater than the date stamp it represents.

I am sure I am not the only person mentioning 9/11.

For me, September 11th was the day that the whole world changed. A whole set of ideas about safety and security came down with the towers. The untouchable nation was touched. Perceptions changed, lives changed. And we were all changed.

I can hardly believe that this happened five years ago. So much and so little has taken place in five years.

This is where I will stop. Silence will say it best.


  1. I'm sure everyone can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when the news first broke - and yes, a whole lot more than just the towers was destroyed 5 years ago today.

  2. Well said, Tanya. It really was the beginning of a new era in security, travel, and world relations, among so much else. Crazy.
