Thursday, June 22, 2006

Plusses and Minusses (I hope I spelled that correctly)

Have you noticed how your day seems to constitute a series of plusses and minusses (again, hope the spelling is correct)? Something positive happens, then something not so positive and they cancel each other out.

Here are my examples:

1. Mischa brought in a live mouse last night and it got away from her (minus). In our bedroom (minus). But this morning she has set up watch in the room (a plus, but only if she catches the mouse). Please note the picture of a field mouse in a field, not in the main boudoir of La Casa Della Lesbica! Total: -2

2. Upon opening the kitchen cupboards, I discover a Brita Water Filter, which I had forgotten I had bought, but which I fretted I may not be able to buy this month. (Plus!) Total: +1

3. I get on the scale this morning, fearing the worst, only to discover that my weight has not moved since my last weigh in all hope is not lost. (plus!) Total: +1

Now we are right back where we started with a neutral score of zero and things are neither plus nor minus.

Observe the next example:

4. I have Aqua fit class tonight and I don't want to go because it's cold and I'm tired (minus), but I know that after the class I am going to feel great and energised. (plus) Total: 0

The point of this mundane exercise?

I have demonstrated that you win some and you lose some and sometimes you do both at the same time. And that I think way to much about weird random shit.


  1. lol. Now I will go through my whole day plusing and minusing!

  2. That blog verges on Taoism Tanya. Everything having a balance and an extreme opposite, if there is an inbalance then disarray occurs under the balance is restored!

    Ying and Yang and all that! hehe

    Very interesting though my dear... was there a plus waiting for you when you got home??? from Mister Postie?
