Friday, June 23, 2006

I have finally updated Tastes Like Llama! There's a new piece on there so please go round and have a read: enjoy! enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tanya,

    I am a new blogger and I am checking out the neighbourhood and saying Hi.
    If I were to pick one of yoiur blogs, which one shall I pick and why?
    I noticed that you have 3.
    My goodness, I can barely keep my 1 going!
    I found your blog by searching who else likes the 4
    There are a few of us out there but not alot with active blogs.
    I am enjoying your writing style and will come visit you again.
    I seem to be drawn more to Start Wearing Purple.
    What do you think?
    Come visit my blog too!
