Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I have taken a lover.

After a week of emailling, I met S this past weekend. She's a lovely woman - warm smile, nice eyes. Spent a weekend at Auntie Liz's cottage with her and went for a walk through the village and up through the field. Enjoyed a quiet and romantic dinner and a very lovely evening.

Seeing her again this weekend and will enjoy her company once more.

It's been a rare and wonderful time, for which I am so grateful to the Universe for blessing me with.

4 weeks and 4 days...


  1. sometimes the universe gets it right :)

    Glad to hear you are happy :)

  2. Everything comes to those who ask!

    Well done you!

  3. It's great to see you smiling again! You looked so happy and relaxed on Tuesday - wonderful to see you like that! *hugs*

  4. Kerry - Yay indeed!

    Xmichra - yeah. it does.

    Sibri - no prayer goes unanswered - you know that.

    * - and good it most certainly is.
