Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Attacking" Life

Back in the day, when I wanted to become an opera singer (for real - that's not a joke. I really did want to become an opera singer), had a delightful little pixie faced Italian lady named Angela to teach me. Angela was in her late fifties at the time and I was around 19. I have always said that Angela taught me more than singing - she taught me life, and today, while writing a letter to a friend in Australia, I was reminded of her and her lessons.*

Angela always used to say to me, "Attack the note! Don't wait! Don't guess - attack!" She also used to say that I should attack life the same way as I would the note. It didn't matter if I didn't land directly on the note or if I landed slightly on the next note - the most important thing was that I launched myself into the song or the exercise being 100% present without attachment to the outcome. She wanted me to 'jump' on the note, 'pounce' on it. With practice, she assured me, I would make it onto the note beautifully balanced more often. "Like life!" She would exclaim, smiling broadly with eyes twinkling. Singing and life were one and the same thing to her.

Reflecting on my own life right now, I realise that it's been a long time since I've "attacked" life. My life over the past decade has been a journey into life as one of the walking dead. Not in the fun cape-wearing-vampire kind of way, but in the dragging-your-feet-to-the-graveyard-Zombie kind of way.

So, reminded of Angela's wise words, I am committing myself to delighting in life. I am committing myself to jumping on that note, even if I land a little skew, and it doesn't sound quite right. I am committed to bringing the best I have available on any given day to life. To "attack" life.

Thank you Angela.

*Angela taught me for just 2 years about 17 years ago. We never know how long our words will stay with someone, nor how deep they may penetrate. I am grateful for the very rare gem of a teacher I have ever had who opened a door on learning and made me feel as though I was about to uncover a great and magical secret. I am blessed to say I have met, and learned from, seven of these passionate teachers. So far. 

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